Professional resume writing
We will perfect your resume to Canadian standards
Bad resume is the number one reason of job search failures.
Your resume calls for improvement if:
— It shows your photo.
— No one calls you back.
— Your religion or hobby is mentioned.
— It's shorter than one page or longer than two.
— Your marital status is there.
— Keywords are missing or misspelled.
— It has your signature on it.
There are dozens of things to keep in mind when creating a resume, and there are hundreds of ways to spoil a resume and make it completely useless.
Resume writing
Your resume must be polished to perfection, as it makes the very first and the most important impression on your potential employer.
Every employer receives hundreds of resumes, mostly mediocre – yours must stand out to be picked from the pile.
Our specialists will ensure that your professional resume is top notch, meeting best practices of the Canadian labor market. Remember: poor resume means no job! Only good resumes survive pre-screening to be reviewed by decision makers.
Cover letter
Designed to add an individual touch to your resume, cover letter often plays important role in a job search process.
The purpose of a cover letter is to summarize the most important information, stir employer's interest in a candidate and invite them to learn more by proceeding to the resume itself.
Though not absolutely mandatory, great cover letter may throw extra weight into the balance and encourage an employer to write down your name in the interview schedule.
Professional resume writing
Order nowYou will receive:
Resume perfected up to the current Canadian standards and best practices
Cover letter to better present your job application
Information package with job search tips and useful resources
Follow instructions after the payment
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It usually takes from 7 to 11 business days
to complete the order